I am so very fortunate to have had the chance to spend a few hours with this great legend in his home just a few months ago. I had gone there with with pinstriping legend
Tommy "itchy" Otis to ask Mr. Medley to put his signature to a collection that Itchy was putting together. He lived in a small home in Burbank and was very happy to see us. He showed us a lot of old cartoons he had drawn in the very first Hot Rod Magazine back in the early forties. I couldn't believe it, to see this history in person by the man himself. An amazing day ...Rest in peace Tom, I'm sure you and Stroker will have a good time wherever you are!
HOT ROD’s Tom Medley Dies at 93 Earliest HOT ROD Staffer and Father of "Stroker McGurk" Was 93 Written by: Thom Taylor on March 2 2014 10:09 PM 4 tom medley 01 We are sad to report that one of the cornerstones of HOT ROD Magazine, and hot rodding in general, passed away today. Tom Medley was the first employee of Bob Petersen as HOT ROD’s Cartoon Editor starting with the second issue of HOT ROD in 1948. Medley had a prolific career during his decades with Petersen Publishing. Among his professional highlights: He created the beloved cartoon character Stroker McGurk Drew the early cutaway illustrations and cartoons for HOT ROD Photographed hundreds of features for both HOT ROD and Rod & Custom Was ad manager for HOT ROD As publisher of Rod & Custom, he made the decision to switch R&C’s editorial content to street rods in 1966 Spearheaded the Street Rod Nationals in Peoria, Illinois, in 1970 Spearheaded the National Street Rod Association [NSRA], also in ’70 [and created the logo that is still in use today] Coined the term “Street Is Neat” Served as editor and publisher of Petersen’s Street Rod Quarterly for years Generally worked behind the scenes in many capacities at Petersen from 1948 until his retirement in 1984 And these were only his publishing exploits. He was also a crack go-kart racer, car builder, upholsterer, political cartoonist, and in many ways the face of modern hot rodding today. To say he was woven into hot rod culture is an understatement. Medley was 93 years old. Read more: http://blogs.hotrod.com/hot-rods-tom-medley-died-today-107341.html#ixzz2utH2Kaz5 Follow us: @HotRodMagazine on Twitter | HotRodMag on Facebook

Sad to hear buddy, global legend. RIP